14 November 2012

K-Wet AgroProducts - K-link Products


Product Information
A unique wetting and sticking agent made of soluble polymers and surfactants to enhance compatibility with a broad spectrum of agricultural chemicals over wide varieties of water qualities. K-WET ensures uniform spread and sticking of application spray (fungicide or growth promoter) on the plant surface thereby increasing the intended action of that chemical.
K wet is a stable formulation to be used as an adjunct to other plant protection sprays. With lesser surface tension, it enables free flow of spray liquid by allowing droplets to stretch out on the target surface, thereby giving better coverage. It holds the spray fluid for a longer period of time on leaves and plant surfaces and is non-toxic even at higher concentration. With low vapour pressure, it reduces the evaporation losses and enhances performance of fungicide and insecticides. Compatible with all commonly used insecticides, acaricides, fungicides plant growth promoters and supplements.

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