05 November 2012

Increase Your Brand's Presence on Pinterest

Pinterest is the latest social network to make it to the big leagues. In 2012 it has grown with millions of followers and became the fastest growing network up to that point. Its ever-growing popularity has naturally enticed brands to use the platform to market and to connect with users across the social network. However, Pinterest's unique look and functionality as an image-based social platform makes it a new and unique challenge for marketers. Here are a few things to keep in mind if your brand is thinking of joining Pinterest.
Add a pin it button to your website
Earlier in the year it as reported that Pinterest was driving more traffic to websites than major social network, Twitter. While this number is perhaps not quite that high anymore, it is still one of top ways in which people are finding their way to all sorts of websites and blogs. This is because all 'pins' link back to their original source when clicked on - a great plus for traffic and SEO. By providing your users with a ready to use pin it button, you are essentially reminding them to take that social action.
Add a follow button to your website
The Pinterest "Follow" button is similar to the Facebook, Twitter, or other social media icons you may already have on your website. This is really just a way of telling people who visit your website that you are active on Pinterest awhile simultaneously providing them with a link to your Pinterest profile that instantly lets them follow you. This will help brands that are new to Pinterest to grow their base following.
Use great images
In order to be successful on Pinterest, you will need to host eye-catching images on your website or blog. Even if your company or brand is not strictly visual, you can still get creative on your blog by posting images that pertain to other aspects that pertain to your brand. People are most likely to pin images that are beautiful, mesmerising or inspiring, so invest time in finding the right images to use on your blog or website.
Pinterest is quite strict when it comes to what brands are not able to use the social network for. It clearly states in its terms of use that the site should not be used by brands as a means of direct promotion. This basically means that posting images that look like ads or flyers is a no-go and you really should avoid this. Promoting your brand on Pinterest needs to be more subtle, pin nice images from your site that links to articles, or even pictures of your product if your product is pretty to behold. It's important to also diversify your pins - you should pin and repin various images and things that are not directly linking to your own content. This tells people that you are engaging as a part of the social network rather than just funneling content. Be sure to follow other users and publications that may feature your brand or similar products. The idea is to build a company lifestyle feel through images that will attract a wide array of Pinterest fans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7360713

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